550 724 03 |
Analogue Input channel (ch 1 - 3) (PD 641 Pt100 / Pt1000)
Registers in Analogue I/O channel.
RegNo 0: AnalogIn
This variable holds the measurement result of the temperature input, as a scaled value in ºC, adjusted according to the content of ZeroPoint. If the value should attempt to exceed 600 or 200 °C (Pt100 or Pt1000, respectively), the contents of this register will be held at the maximum value, and the device will generate an error code. A similar situation occurs if the input signal attempts to drop below – 100 ºC. Act error in the P-NET response is set on access to AnalogIn if one of the following bits in ChError.Act is set: 0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19 or 20.
RegNo 8: Levels
Levels can be used as a kind of limit switch, and a notification can be connected. See also ChConfig.EnableNotification.
RegNo 9: ChConfigThe ChConfig variable is a record of the following type:
Bit 0: Simulation. When Simulation is set no measurement will be calculated, and it is possible for the user to insert any value in AnalogIn.
The following enable bits enable “Act data error” in the P-NET response.
Bit 2: Act_data_error_on_AnalogIn_higher_than_Level1.
Bit 3: Act_data_error_on_AnalogIn_lower_than_Level1.
Bit 4: Act_data_error_on_AnalogIn_higher_than_Level2.
Bit 5: Act_data_error_on_AnalogIn_lower_than_Level2.
Bit 7:
Notification can be enabled for the following events:
Bit 0: Change_in_ChError.Act.
Bit 2: Increasing_AnalogIn_crossing_Level1.
Bit 3: Decreasing_AnalogIn_crossing_Level1.
Bit 4: Increasing_AnalogIn_crossing_Level2.
Bit 5: Decreasing_AnalogIn_crossing_Level2.
Bit 6: AnalogIn_changed_Delta_level Enable notification on |AnalogIn – Old AnalogIn| > Levels.DeltaLevel. AnalogIn is copied to Old AnalogIn when Notification is set.
A bit in the Notification register in the Service Channel will be set if the condition described for any bit that is set in this EnableNotification field has been met. The Notification bit number in the Service Channel register will correspond with the channel number that detected the condition.
RegNo 10: FilterConstant
This variable selects a time constant for the input filter. The filter time constant defines that for a stepped change at the input terminals, the measured value (AnalogIn), will have changed by 63% of its target value, at the end of the specified time period. Only FilterConstants > 3 and < 50 sec will activate the filter.
RegNo 12: Zeropoint
Zeropoint is used as an offset-adjustment for the temperature detector.
RegNo 14: GuidEach channel type in an interface device consists of a unique Guid.
RegNo 15: ChError
There are two sets of error bits, actual and historical. The actual error bits reflect the current situation and will automatically follow any change. The historical error bits reflect the history and have the purpose of holding sporadic errors. The historical error bits are set together with the corresponding actual bits. They remain set after a read, so each individual bit must be cleared by setting it to false. Only the bits where the corresponding actual bit is false can be cleared. See summary for how ChError.His can be cleared in particular M36 slave modules. The “His data error” bit in the P-NET response is set if any historical bit is true. The “Act data error” bit in the P-NET response is reflecting the validity of the data in the response. Overload, electrical error or an error in other registers involved in calculating the result gives “Act data error”.
The following two bits will cause Act error In the P-NET response on access to all variables.
Bit 0 Program_storage_fault is set TRUE if the self-test finds an error in the program memory.
Bit 1 RAM_storage_fault is set TRUE if the self-test finds an error in the data memory (RAM).
Bit 2 InternalReset is set TRUE if a reset is caused by a power failure, or if the power has been disconnected (only a His error).
Bit 3 ExternalReset is set TRUE if a reset is caused by writing 255 to Reset, via P‑NET (only a His error).
Bit 4: SignalHigh is set if the input signal exceeds 600 or 200 °C (Pt100 or Pt1000, respectively).
Bit 5: SignalLow is set if the input signal falls below -100 ºC.
Bit 7: An internal_error is indicated. If the device continues to indicate internal error after a reset, the device is likely to require repair.
Bit 8: AnalogIn_higher_than_Level1.
Bit 9: AnalogIn_lower_than_Level1.
Bit 10: AnalogIn_higher_than_Level2.
Bit 11: AnalogIn_lower_than_Level2.
The following bits are set TRUE if the self-test finds an error in the data memory (EEPROM) for the variable. EEPROM fault is only set at power-up. If the corresponding variable is accessed, Act error in the P-NET response is set. This error can occur if the power disappears when writing to EEPROM, so a rewrite to the variable would probably solve the problem.
Bit 15: EEPROM_error_in_Levels.
Bit 16: EEPROM_error_in_ChConfig.
Bit 17: EEPROM_error_in_FilterConstant.
Bit 19: EEPROM_error_in_Zeropoint.
The following bit is set TRUE if the self-test finds an error in the data memory (EEPROM) for the variable. EEPROM fault is only set at power-up.
Bit 20: EEPROM_error_in_Internal_calibration_variable.