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PD 667 Profibus - Slave configuration guide.
Danfoss VLT 2800.Frequency converter from Danfoss that uses the ProfiDrive profile.
The file "da030404.GSD" has been used as a basis for this guide.
I/O data in ProfiDrive are named PPO objects. In ProfiDrive, 8 different PPOs are specified. In ProfiDrive, the input and output arrays for a given PPO always have identical sizes.
Only the data marked with grey are background is exchanged, in the PD 667 starting form input[1] / output[1]. Example: If PPO5 is selected PCA is in Input[1] and Input[2]. If PPO6 is selected CTW is in Input[1] and Input[2].
VLT 2800 notes:
Always refer to the appropriate Danfoss documentation. The below notes may apply differently to other versions of VLTs.
Slave address is set on the VLT display, parameter No.: 918. To activate a new slave address, the power must be removed and re-applied.
Parameter 502 to 508: Select different bus control options.
Parameter 512: Select between "ProfiDrive" or "FC control" layout for the 16 bits in control word and status word.
The "Start" key on the VLT must be pressed to enable control of the VLT by Profibus (Standby mode). Pressing the "Stop" key on the VLT switches to local control, and bit 9 in the STW "bus control" is reset.
Frequency set point (MRV) and actual frequency (MAV) is set and shown as a value 0..$4000 (Hex) where $4000 is the maximum permitted frequency. $4000 is equal to 16384 decimal.
Danfoss VLT FC300.Frequency converter from Danfoss that uses the ProfiDrive profile.
The file "DA02040A.GSD" has been used as a basis for this guide.
The FC300 and VLT 2800 share the same ProfiDrive layout, the same Configuration and Setup, except the FC300 has IDENT No.: = 1034 (040A Hex)
Please also be aware that FC300 menu items and number reference for VLT data is different to what is described in “VLT 2800 notes”.
FC300 Profibus terminal connection:
PD 667 “A” to terminal 63 PD 667 “B” to terminal 62 PD 667 “S” to terminal 66
Simatic PLC S7-300Type "CPU313C-2DP"
The file "siem80D0.GSE" has been used as the basis for this guide
The Simatic Manager is used to configure the slave interface of the S7-CPU. In the S7-CPU, the interface is set to slave mode and the selection of additional diagnostic features must be removed. This will set the slave interface to a fully passive state (no active functions). Baud rate and slave address must be selected, and the required communication objects must be created.
The configuration of input and output between the S7 and the PD 667 mush match.
Configuration of the PD 667: In the Configuration.List[1...n ] the number of required communication objects are listed. The sum of input and output sizes are calculated and entered into InputSize and OutputSize variables respectively.
In addition to the user configuration, this slave requires 3 configuration bytes for the system. These are the first 3 elements in the configuration list, and must always be "0". These 3 data items must be included when the configuration size variable is set. The system configuration does not influence the Input and output sizes.
Input to the PD 667 (match definitions of S7 Q area.):
Output from the PD 667 (match definition of S7 I area.):
Example setup to read 208 byes in the PLC and write 224 bytes to the PLC:
Simatic DP/DP Transceiver, aliasDP/DP Coupler
Version: Release 2 The file "si018070.GSE" has been used as the basis for this guide
The DP/DP Transceiver is used to exchange DP data between two Profibus Master systems.
Each master system runs independently, and are totally isolated from each other. The DP/DP Transceiver has a slave address for each master. These slave addresses can be the same or different, as can the communication speed on each side.
When one master sends an output to the DP/DP Transceiver, the other master can read this as an input from the DP/DP Transceiver. The configuration of input and output must match, so that the size and order of output in one master matches the size and order of inputs in the other master, and vice versa.
The DP/DP Transceiver can transfer a maximum of 244 bytes in each direction.
Overview of matching configurations between the two masters: Configuration.List contains one or two numbers for each data definition. The number of used elements in Configuration.List is entered into Configuration.Size. The sum of InputSize (in bytes) is entered into Configuration.InputSize The sum of OutputSize (in bytes) is entered into Configuration.OutputSize
In the external master, 5 objects are defined: 4 byte output 16 byte input 64 word input 2 byte output 8 byte output consistent
This must match 5 object definitions in the PD 667: (Note: object No. 3 uses both Configuration.List[3] and Configuration.List[4])
Notes: The "DIA" switch on the DP/DP Transceiver enables "data validation", where the DP / DP Transceiver monitors the 2 masters. Status is shown in the least significant bit of the first input byte in each direction. This function will thus modify the first output byte from each master.
In the external master's first parameter byte, the 2 most significant bits may be set. They have the following meaning: bit7: DPV1 mode bit6: Failsafe mode As these two functions are not supported by the PD 667, Parameter. List[1] is set to 0.
Extended diagnostic ON: The SF1 / SF2 LED is lit if a failure occurs to the network e.g. no connection. Extended diagnostic OFF: The SF1 / SF2 LED is not lit if a failure occurs to the network. The DP/DP Transceiver will in both extended diagnostic modes report a "read diagnostic request" to both DP masters. The PD 667 automatically reads the diagnostic data and signals this afterwards by the status and notification bits. A Simatic S7 CPU calls OB 82 in both situations, but it only writes to the diagnostic buffer if the Extended diagnostic is ON.
A diagnostic message is 26 bytes long: Standard diagnosis is found in List[1..6] and module diagnostics in List[17..26]. If the parameter.size is set to 0 or if the parameters are wrong, the DP/DP transceiver will work in a mode that is compatible with the first generation. This had reduced data I/O size and only 11 bytes of diagnostic data.
For further information please refer to the DP/DP Transceiver documentation.