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TCP Channel
Registers in TCP channel:
RegNo 2: PNETTraffic
ReceivedPackets This field holds the number of TCP packets received from the Ethernet.
SentPackets This field holds the number of TCP packets sent from this node. RegNo 10: Connections
PNETNoPnetNo is not used, and will hold the value 0.
SerialNoThe SerialNo field holds the Serial number of the connected device.
RegNo 11: TimeStamps
LastConnectionAttempt show when a connection attempt was last made to this TCP node. LastSuccessfullConnection show when a connection was last established successfully. LastTXActivity show when data was last send to a connected PD 664. LastRXActivity show when data was last received from a connected PD 664.
RegNo 12: Password
PasswordsThe Password field holds the password for the connected GPRS Device. The password is used as a key for the crypto algorithm. When a request is received, the TCP node uses the password to decrypt or encrypt the PNET-packet.
RegNo 14: GUID
Each channel type is identified by means of a unique GUID. The value of GUID for the channel is: PD/551304-01. |