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SystemInfo Channel
Registers in SystemInfo channel:
RegNo 0: CPUUsage_Percent
This field holds the current load of the CPU in percent.
RegNo 1: MemoryStatusThe record is of the following type:
MemoryLoad_Percent:Approximate percentage of total physical memory that is in use. Windows NT: Percentage of approximately the last 1000 pages of physical memory that is in use.
TotalMemory_KBytesTotal size of physical memory, in Kbytes.
AvailableMemory_KBytesSize of physical memory available, in Kbytes.
TotalPageFile_KBytesSize of the committed memory limit, in Kbytes.
AvailPageFile_KBytesSize of available memory to commit, in Kbytes.
TotalVirtual_KBytesTotal size of the user mode portion of the virtual address space of the calling process, in Kbytes.
AvailVirtual_KBytesSize of unreserved and uncommitted memory in the user mode portion of the virtual address space of the calling process, in Kbytes.
RegNo 2: SystemIdleTime_msec
This register holds the time in milliseconds since the last input event occurred.
RegNo 3: DriveInfoThis variable is an array having the following structure:
DriveLetterThis field holds the drive letter for the drive, e.g. “C:\”
FreeSpaceThis field holds the amount of free disk space available to the user.
PrefixThis field holds the prefix of the FreeSpace variable. GB -> GigaBytes, MB -> MegaBytes KB -> KiloBytes
RegNo 4: ServiceStart
The register shows when the P-NET Gateway service was started.
RegNo5: StreamSave
The register shows when data was last written to the stream file. This file holds all information about the P-NET Gateway service configuration and data to all it’s nodes.
RegNo 14: GUID
Each channel type is identified by means of a unique GUID. The value of GUID for the channel is: PD/551309-01.