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SMS Configurator Quick Start GuidePurposeThe purpose of the SMS Configurator is to set up a GPRS connection with a PD 664 (having a blank or incompletely configured SIM-card) in a remote location.
HW setup1. Connect a PD 664 (to send an SMS from) to your local P-NET. 2. Connect it to the local P-NET from the “MIB edit” window, and establish a connection to it via P-NET. The PD 664 does not need to have a GPRS connection to send SMS.
SW setup1. Select “SMS Configurator” from the right-mouse menu for the SMS channel in the local PD 664. 2. Enter the telephone number of the remote PD 664 in the “Phone Number” field. 3. If a serial number is required for accessing the remote PD 664 (depends on the settings of GPRS.ConfigSMSSecurity in the remote PD 664), enter the serial number of the remote PD 664 in the “Serial Number” field and check the box “Use serial”. 4. If GPRS.ConfigSMSSecurity[2] is set to True is SMS configuration not permitted. 5. Select Store in the “Instruction” field. 6. Repeat step 6 – 8 until all the necessary parameters in the list below have been set up. Please be aware that there may be a delay of a few minutes before the SMS response is received. Service.WriteEnable: True (Disable write protection) GPRS.GPRSFlagReg[0] : True (Disable TCP connection) GPRS.ConnectionProfile.AccessPointName GPRS.TCPServer.ServerNodeAddress GPRS.TCPServer.ServerNetID GPRS.TCPServer.ServerName1 GPRS.TCPClient.ConnectRetry GPRS.TCPClient.CheckConnectionInterval GPRS.TCPClient.AttemptsBetweenMessages 7. Click the MIB button next to the “Selected variable in remote PD 664” box. In the “Remote PD 664 View” double-click to select the variable you wish to access. 8. Insert a new value in the “New value” field. Please refer to the PD 664 datasheet for instructions on which values to enter. 9. Click the “Send SMS” button to send the SMS. 10. It is possible to check each parameter by sending an SMS with a “Load” instruction.
Now the remote PD 664 will connect to the P-NET Gateway service. It is now possible to verify the GPRS connection with the remote PD664 from VIGO. Please refer to the PD 664 datasheet on how to set up the MIB. |