551 406 01 |
Configuration Channel (channel 2)
Registers in Configuration channel.
RegNo 0: Reserve
To avoid any conflicts when configuring the service, use the TestAndSet instruction to first check whether the channel is already in use.
RegNo 1: ReserveTimer
When the Reserve flag is set, the Reservetimer is preset with the value stored in the ReservePreset register. When the reservetimer reaches 0.0 the reserve flag is cleared.
RegNo 2: ReservePreset
This register holds the value used to preset the reserve timer. This value defines the maximum time the channel will be reserved.
RegNo 4: ConfigRecord
This register is used to configure the service. Enter the correct values into the record and then store the value ‘1’ in the CommandResult register.
RegNo 5: CommandResult
This register is used to signal the service when a new configuration is to be downloaded. The following commands can be used:
Results returned to the CommandResult register
RegNo 6: ProjectName
The P-NET Gateway Service Editor writes the name of the VIGO project used during the configuration to this register.
RegNo 7: LastConfigurationDate
The P-NET Gateway Service Editor writes the date and time to this register during the configuration.
RegNo 14: GUID
Each channel type is identified by means of a unique GUID. The value of GUID for the Configuration channel is: PD/551406-01. |